Our lady of the Empress spoke to Saint Gregory the Great in Rome

Our Lady of the Empress that spoke to Saint Gregory the Great in Rome

Feast Day - March 13, 593

The Abbot Orsini wrote: “A tradition records that this image spoke to Saint Gregory the Great, in the year 593.”

In speaking of the humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Venerable Mary of Agreda said thus:

“The humility of the most pure Mary was without example and without equal. For though she was the dawn of grace, the pure beginning of all creatures, the superior over them all, the prodigy of the divine perfections, the center of His love, the sphere of the omnipotence of God, who called God her Son and was called by Him His mother, she nevertheless humbled herself to the lowest place in all creation.” 

“She, who enjoyed the highest position, exalted above all the works of God, so that no higher position was left for a mere creature, humiliated Herself so far as to judge herself unworthy of the least estimation, distinction or honor, not even of such as would befit the most insignificant of the rational creatures. Not only did she deem herself unworthy of the dignity of being the Mother of God and of all the graces connected therewith, but she did not esteem herself deserving of the air she breathed, of the support the earth gave to her footsteps, of the sustenance derived from it, or of any service or kindness at the hands of creatures; of all things she considered herself unworthy and she gave thanks for all, as if she were really so undeserving.”

“In order to say all in a few words: that a creature should not seek the honor which does not belong to it or which for some reason it does not merit, is not such a great humility, although the Most High in his infinite kindness accepts it and considers Himself under obligation to one who practices it in that way. But she, most admirably exceeding all this, while deserving all exaltation and majesty, humiliated herself more than all other creatures and sought neither honor nor exaltation. Thus Mary, holding worthily the dignity of Mother of God, annihilated herself, and by this very humility deserved anew and in justice to be raised to the dominion and sovereignty of all creation.”

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