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Who will deny the mystery of this Bread? Even dumb Fishes preaches to us

It was 1384, in Valencia, Spain. A Priest took Holy Communion to a dying Soul. He saw a storm coming but he had to save that Soul and prepare it to meet God.

After administering the last rites to the dying Soul, on his way home, a strong storm began. The Priest held on tight to the Ciborium while running in the darkness of the night since he had gone far enough and could not turn back to take refuge in the home he had left.

When he reached the Carraixet River, the waves were very high. So he devised to use a board as a bridge. While crossing the bridge, he lost balance and the Ciborium containing the Holy Eucharist fell into the River.

In chaos, the Priest jumped into the River in search of the Ciborium but unfortunately, the River current took it away, his effort proved abortive.

Sadly, the Priest informed the Community of what had occurred and the Villagers offered to look for the Holy Eucharist. They toiled tirelessly in the morning and found an empty Ciborium the next day.

The Priest lost hope but only had to organize Acts of Reparations.

God was moved by the undying love the Community and it's Parish Priest have for the Holy Eucharist, so a miracle took place.

Three Fishes stood still on the current of the River, clasping to their mouths each Host that had been reported missing. Moved by this sight, the Villagers fell on their knees in adoration.

The Fishes stood still until the Priest arrived. When they saw him, they moved to the River Bank and placed the Holy Eucharist on his consecrated hands, while the faithfuls sang praises to God.

The recovered hosts were consumed in a Holy Mass on that same day but the Ciborium is kept till date with the inscription, "who will deny the mystery of this Bread, when even dumb Fish preaches to us? Faith?"

We Catholics strongly believe in the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and God had always helped strengthen pur faith by confirming it, even in Fishes.
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  1. Thank you for your Catholic outreach and this site. I love the picture and would like to purchase a print of the Fish who saved the Holy Eucharist from the river, as a November gift to a Priest. I was unsuccessful on my internet search. Thanks, Liz J e:

  2. So beautiful I was looking where this miracle occurred

    1. It was 1384, in Valencia, Spain


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