All Saints Novena

The All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1, which means the Novena should begin on October 23. However, this may not always be the case as the All Saints' Novena can be prayed at any time you want to for any reason.

The Church teaches that there are three stages in the Church:

  1. The Church Militant, - which is those who are still living.
  2. The Church Suffering - which is those who are in Purgatory, undergoing the cleansing of their Sins.
  3. The Church Triumphant - those who are already with God, seeing HiM face-to-face.

The feast of All Saints is a commemoration of All the Saints. Each Saint have his or her own feast day but November 1, is a day set aside to celebrate all of them together.

Below are the Prayers for each day of the All Saints Novena:

First Day - October 23

Second Day - October 24

Third Day - October 25

Fourth Day - October 26

Fifth Day - October 27

Sixth Day - October 28

Seventh Day - October 29

Eighth Day - October 30

Ninth Day - October 31

May God hear our prayers, through the intercession of all the Saints in Heaven, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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