Seventh day of the novena to saint Clare of Assisi

Seventh Day - August 8

In the Lord Jesus Christ, I admonish and extort all my sisters, both those present and those to come, to strive always to imitate the way of holy simplicity humility and poverty and (to persevere) the integrity of (our) holy manner of life, as we were taught by our blessed Father Francis from the beginning of our conversion to Christ. Thus they may always remain in the fragrance of a good name.(2Corinthians 2:15), both among those who are afar off and those who are near. (This will take place) not by our own merits but solely by the mercy and grace of our sole benefactor, the Father of mercies.
2Corinthians 1:3
From the Testament of Saint Clare

Dear Saint Clare,
As a young girl you imitated your mother’s love for the poor of your native Assisi.

Inspired by the preaching of Saint Francis, who sang enthusiastically of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty, you gave your life to Jesus at nineteen years of age, allowing Saint Francis to cut off your beautiful hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit.

All through your life you offered your great suffering for your Sisters, the Poor Clares, and the conversion of souls. You greatly aided Saint Francis with his new order, carrying on his spirit in the Franciscans after his death.

Most of all you had a deep love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which fueled your vocation to love and care for the poor.

Please pray for me (mention your request) that I will seek to keep Jesus as my first love, as you did. Help me to grow in love of the Blessed Sacrament, to care for the poor, and to offer my whole life to God.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Saint Clare. Through her intercession, please hear and answer my prayer, in the name of Jesus Your Son.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

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