Patron Saint of Spanish and Portuguese Sailors, Siant of the day April 14

Feast Day: April 14

Lived (1190 – April 15, 1246)

Patron Saint of Spanish and Portuguese Sailors

The Story that goes for Saint Paul on the road to Damascus, also apply to Peter Gonzalez on his way to secure a post in the Cathedral in Astorga, Spain. The Horse he rode stumbled and fell.

This incident made Peter re-accessed his incentives (it was his bishop-uncle that secured the post for him) and started down a new path. He joined the Dominicans and became a priest. He proved to be a most effective preacher. He spent much of his time as court chaplain, and attempted to exert positive influence on the behavior of members of the court.

When King Ferdinand III and his troops defeated the Moors at Cordoba, Peter was successful in restraining the soldiers from pillaging, and persuaded the king to treat the defeated Moors with mercy.

After retiring from the court, Peter devoted the rest of his life to spreading the gospel in northwest Spain. Because of his special interest in being a missionary to Spanish and Portuguese seamen, he is rrgarded as their patron.

In 1246, Peter died and was beatified in 1741 by Pope Benedict XIV.

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