Saint of the day February 28

Feast Day: February 28

Lived(1876 - 1936)

Daniel was a native of France, who was ordained a priest in 1899. He began a teaching career but was not satisfied with it. He wanted to extend the work of evangelization beyond the Classroom.

Because of his love of the gospel, he joined the missionary Congregation of the Holy Spirit as a priest and was sent to Senegal, West Africa. After eight years of service, his health began to fail, so he had to return to France, where helped to raise money for the construction of a new cathedral in Senegal.

At the outbreak of World War I, Daniel volunteered as a chaplain on the front lines. Through 52 months of ministering to the sick and dying, he was never injured.

When the war ended, Daniel was invited to help establish an orphanage for children in a Paris suburb. He remained there 13 years until his death.

He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Paris, after 48 years.

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