stories of our lady of the rosary
Our Lady of the Rosary

---by Aida (Bronx, NY)

When I was 20 years old I met a young man who was an atheist. In spite of this, I got engaged to him, and prayed for him to convert, as well as tried to explain what little I knew about the scriptures to him.

We set a wedding date, and my grandparents were getting ready to come from out of state to our wedding. One night, precisely a month before we were to get married, I dreamt I was standing in front of my parish, St. Thomas Aquinas, when Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal appeared to me. St. Joseph was also with her.

She seemed very upset and when I wondered why this was so, she let me know without speaking that if I married this man, he'd make me very unhappy. She then went on to stretch for her right arm. There, nestled in her veil I saw myself throwing my rings (both my wedding and engagement ring) to him in the hallway leading to his mother's apartment. 

When I woke up, I told my mom to let my grandparents know not to buy any tickets to come to my wedding. I wasn't getting married. My mom spoke to my grandmother and told her my dream, and they all decided to hold a wait attitude.

One week later, after going on a picnic, this man calls me up and tells me he can't marry me. What happened in my dream unfolded exactly as I saw it. The interesting thing is that I had forgotten the dream, but the minute I held up the rings to throw them at his feet, I screamed out, "My God, I dreamt this last week!" and I ran away.

Later, this young man married another. Someone who knew him and his wife told me, "You're lucky. Mary saved you from a wife beater."

Our Lady has always looked after me all my life. Now that I prepare children to receive First Communion, I teach them the Rosary and tell them how my beloved lady saved me from getting married to the wrong man.

God bless!

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