Saint Jerome Emiliani, our lady of treves Italy, our lady feast day January 4
Saint Jerome Emiliani


St. Jerome Emiliani was the founder of the Congregation of Semasca. He founded this Order while still a layman.

He was a gallant soldier, who was once entrusted with the defense of Castelnuevo, in Fruili, Italy. He experienced in marvellous way, Our Lady's mercy when the Venetians, who were commanded by Maximilian I, stormed Castelnuovo.

Jerome was captured and confined in a dark prison, where he was bound with chains.

Being a man of many vices, he began to feel remorse for his past life, almost to the point of despair. Then, he thought of Mary, the Mother of God, as the Mother of Divine Mercy. To her he turned, promising to lead a better life in the future, if this loving Mother would deliver him from his miserable condition. In an instant, Jerome beheld his prison filled with light, and the Virgin Mary descending from Heaven to loose with her own hands, the chains with which he was bound. Moreover, she handed him a key with which to open the door of the prison and escape. Eluding his captors, he directed his steps toward Treves, to the shrine of the Mother of God.

When Jerome got to Treves, he prostrated himself before the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and laid on the Altar, the instruments used to torture him. Then he started leading a life of prayer, penance and sacrifice until the the Lord sent him men, with whom he started his own Order - Company of the Servants of the Poor.

He established Orphanages so as to admonish Orphans in the way of the Lord. He not only encouraged these but all those that cross his path, he would advice to reverence the Queen of Heaven and Earth by praying always the "Hail Holy Queen" and singing Marian hymns to her praise. He also established a hospital and a home for repentant prostitutes.

Jerome died in 1537 while caring for the victims of a plague (spotted fever). Pope Benedict XIV proclaimed him a saint in the year 1767.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Treves, Italy.

The cathedral of Treves is also famous as the location where the “Holy Coat” is exposed for veneration. This is the same that is piously believed to have been worn by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and is the seamless garment for which the soldiers cast lots on Calvary during His passion and death.

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